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Q&A of EPS

Main use of expanded polystyrene


Expandable polystyrene is a mixture of a resin with a physical blowing agent and other additives. The most common expandable polystyrene is a transparent PS pellet containing pentane as a blowing agent.

Expanded polystyrene is a thermal insulation material for the construction industry, disposable appliances (mainly coffee cups) and seismic protective packaging materials.Insulation products use EPS because of their constant low thermal conductivity, low density and low processing costs. The EPS teacup is due to the EPS being easily foamed into a thin product and insulative. The shock absorption, low cost and formability of the foam make EPS an object of choice for protective packaging materials.

We are a large chemical company-Leili Chemical Co.,Limited specializing in the production of expandable polystyrene.Our products are not only complete in variety, but also of high quality. You are welcome to order.